Even the number of over-the-top cutscenes is unusually light for a guy who ended Metal Gear Solid 4 on this 26-minute whopper. Bits of MGS5 just feel unfinished, from this weird jeep ride to the final mission structure. And they're almost always filled with cutscenes, for good and bad.

One of the most common criticisms of MGS5 (and there are plenty) was that parts of the game felt disjointed and incomplete, which is odd for a Kojima project. But I can't help but wonder if, with more time, these would have been full-length cutscenes instead. There are a bunch of post-game radio conversations you can play after the credits roll that'll help fill the gaps. It's abrupt and anti-climatic, leaving several open plot threads seemingly unaddressed. Anyone who's played through MGS5 in its entirety will tell you that the tail end of the campaign just sort of ends.